BPC has dedicated up to 100 MW of initial surplus power to provide third-party hosting services at favorable target rate $0.075/kWh, with 3 months of deposit / prepaid hosting fees.

BPC hosting clients share the costs of transformers and modular data centers.

The annual projected gross profit will be approximately $320,000 / per 1 MW, net of BPC’s energy costs.

Each 10 MW hosting contract will generate $2.4 million of annual cash-flow, net of BPC’s energy cost.

During Q3, BPC constructed and activated its first 10 MW hosting operation at Hazelton WV. In early January BPC has installed and activated a new 5 MW BTC mining site at Ben’s Run, WV.

By year-end 2023, BPC intends to install and active not less than an additional 50 MW of BTC self mining and data hosting services at sites near Morgantown, Tunnel ton, Kingwood and Glasgow, WV.


Hazelton 10MW - MonPower
September 22’ | Activated
Ben’s Run 5MW - MonPower
January 23’ | Activated
Denver 20 MW - MonPower
March 23’ | Activation
Glasgow 10 MW - APCO
May 23’ | Activation
Kingwood 10 MW – MonPower
July 23’ | Activation
Miracle Run 30 MW - MonPower
October 23’ | Activation